Right around this time of year, I often write about the misadventures of Black Friday, but I’ve finally learned not to participate because as a stroke survivor, I have fears of getting trampled or shot or assaulted, though it’s not without basis, and one of so many stories.
Here’s an example that occurred in 2011 as reported by the Huffington Post that game me pause. “A Black Friday shopper who collapsed while shopping at a Target store in West Virginia went almost unnoticed as customers continued to hunt for bargain deals. Walter Vance, a 61-year-old pharmacist who reportedly suffered from a prior heart condition, later died in the hospital. Witnesses say some shoppers ignored and even walked over the man’s body as they continued to shop.” (Want to see more? Go to http://blackfridaydeathcount.com. You might be Amazon shopping this time forever after!)
Anyway, this time I am posting about what I am thankful for on Thanksgiving (in that partially made-up story about the Pilgrims and the Indians whose land we stole even though the Indians were here first. Just sayin’). Make no mistake. Those who know know me realize that my life had given me tough times, some necessary detours, to get around the shit tossed my way, and this is not a time, meaning never, to elaborate. So here are the top ten things for me to be thankful for.
1. I am grateful that I am alive. I was close to death 8-1/2 years ago, with no thanks to my hemorrhagic stroke, but here I am, getting up and dusting myself off when another piece of crap goes flying my way. Why am I here still? As my son says, you’re too annoying to die. Granted, I am pushy, and with that comes the will to live. And positivity is a part of that attitude. But the overwhelming positive side, truth be told, is, if I wasn’t laughing, I would be crying, making my baggy eyes even baggier. So every day, I make a concerted effort to wake up happy, even if I’m not, because who wants to waste all that energy on being negative. (Sorry for that, but that’s what’s called an interior rant, aka stream of consciousness).
2. I am grateful for my 2 sons (who shall remain nameless) who give me thoughtful insights at times when I most need it. I give them thoughtful insights, too, with the response always being, “Mom! Don’t try to FIX things! You’re meddlesome!” They say I am controlling, and maybe I am, less so as the years go forward. But I know they heard me and will think about my words, often later taking my suggestions. I don’t say a word.
3. I am grateful that I learned about a year ago how to successfully (the operative word) tie my shoes one-handed. This procedure, too, was borne of necessity. There just isn’t somebody around at times. Video forthcoming in YouTube.
4. I am grateful that I learned that the best Personal Assistants anticipate my needs without my saying, “Could you….” The only two that showed up for the interview in Speedboat Coffee in Portland (I was expecting eight) were Norma and Joyce #2. I couldn’t ask for better. I often say, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” And I mean it.
5. I am grateful that I learned, through my weekly sessions in counseling, not to live in the past. The sessions went on for about three years. I’m a slow learner, meaning I’m bright yet stubborn, and it took a lot of time for my counselor to break through the barrier of obstinance. Great work, T.
6. I am grateful that I learned that I shop online just to make me feel better. Amazon Queen, they call me (not to be confused with Queen of the Amazons, a 1947 flick where a woman’s husband has disappeared on an expedition into the jungle and she discovers that he has been captured by a savage female tribe. Campy, right?) After many procedures and an operation, not counting the two upcoming this month, what’s wrong with a little shopping therapy! It’s cheaper than “talk” therapy and at least I enjoy the online trip with laughter and total glee without ordering needlessly.
7. I am grateful that I learned that I like a lot of plants. I mean, OBSESSIVELY A LOT! Around twenty in front of an almost floor to ceiling, three-paned window. I’m allergic to cats and I can’t walk a dog, plus birds are too much work, and fish don’t do it for me. But my maternal instincts are still in play, so I take care of plants. Rather, my Personal Assistant waters them, feeds them, and gathers errant leaves that have somehow fallen off. I just watch them, keeping a loving eye on the plants that never move.
8. I am grateful that I learned about the iPhone, more than just texting and clicking an app to activate it. Katie and Jody in Pittsburgh taught me so much and now Norma and Joyce #2 have taken over. But I’m grateful also that I can text with one hand. Life is good. I got the iPhone later than most people. Read about it in my post from 2015: https://stroketales.blogspot.com/2015/01/why-i-still-have-flip-phone-aka-i.html
9. I am grateful that I am never once bored in my apartment. Between writing, reading, and going to the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet to give me an excuse once an hour to stand and move, sometimes often without hunger, I keep busy. See my post about sitting too much: https://stroketales.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-5-ws-and-h-of-getting-up-and-moving.html
10. I am grateful that I am not associated in any way with Donald Trump, Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and scores of others, some of them still yet unknown, who brought shame upon themselves and anger, tears, and painful memories to their victims.
Now that we ended on a bad note, let’s get back to the point. So tell me, dear reader, what are YOU thankful for? Write in the Comments section below. And Happy Thanksgiving!
as a sign of gratitude for how my husband was saved from stroke , i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this. He was stroke and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because my family had spend all money they had, the symptoms were terrible, he had diAfficult speaking , and always complain of muscle weakness and balance disorder . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to stroke . I never imagine stroke has a cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and I used it and in one months he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life. stroke has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on [email protected] or Whatsapp him on +2349056175191 on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony
David, thank you for sharing.
An inspirational article. Thanks for this.
Thanks, Sheila! Ditto!
Nice post! Thanks for sharing this information..
Stroke is a disease caused by a brain stain that results in paralysis, coma or unconsciousness, blindness and other problems that affect the mind and body.
Common symptoms of stroke are:
– Numbness or weakness in the hands or feet
– Sudden blindness
– It's hard to speak properly
The next symptom is arm weakness.
To know whether the patient has arm weakness, he will be asked to raise both arms and when one arm drifts downward, then he is positive for the second symptom.
– David Cromwell MD –
Rebecca, you have energy to write this comment that will be shared all around the world! And yes, drama zaps energy. You are right about that!
I am grateful that a stroke taught me drama requires energy that I no longer have.
Dear Joyce,
I am so thankful that I know you now going on half century?? Can that be?? I feel so thankful you are my friend and your two awesome sons. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving and every day. So thrilled we were able to spend the Eclipse event with you…Sending love and hope we all see each other soon. Sheila