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Another year is almost here. And I read a lot, enhancing my need for imagination, so let’s see if my predictions are indeed valid!

Transportation will have autonomous vehicles including delivery vehicles and self-driving cabs (https://waymo.com/waymo-one-san-francisco/#:~:text=Meet%20Waymo%20One.&text=From%20Union%20Square%20to%20Serramonte,the%20city%20we%20call%20home). Trucking will adopt convoys, reducing driver fatigue and transportation costs. Vehicle communication will improve road safety and traffic efficiency, but many layoffs in loss of job for drivers.

Education will combine online learning with in person. Virtual reality will make a two-way flow of information, history lessons will be interactive, and teachers’ roles may change to facilitators and mentors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enter daily life increasingly more, to take advantage of interconnecting networks such as utilizing best energy use, booking appointments at doctors offices, maximizing your chances of achieving defined goals, or even ethical problems like transgender and sports, or abortion, that is, what it means to be a human being.

Real-time experiences in entertainment for artists, venues, and bookers, for example, will create revenue like nothing before it. Imagine! You could have see Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour in the peace and comfort of your own home! Less anxiety, too, when all the fear of being shot by some lunatic is now gone. 

Sustainability in life when you know for certain that packaging is biodegradable, safely lab-grown food products, lower environmental misuse like water pollution or throwing waste in river, reusable clothing, or minimalist options are now “in”. 

Personalized medicine for all means that users will be alerted to likely get the health risk right the beginning, resulting in longevity because of better outcomes. There may be genetic tempering, too, but I think that’s somewhere down the road.

Carbon will disappear to remove Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. Of course, there will be resistance from companies depending on fossil fuels, like (excerpted from https://blog.ucsusa.org/), “ExxonMobil and Chevron, two companies headquartered in the United States, reported earnings of $55.7 billion and $35.5 billion, respectively, during 2022. In 2022, the United States experienced 18 separate climate and weather related disasters, including droughts, floods, severe storms, and wildfires which each caused over $1 billion in damage and led to the deaths of four hundred and seventy four people.

“Altogether the 18 events cost an estimated $165 billion, making 2022 the third most costly year for US weather and climate disasters since 1980, while vertical farms in urban centers will reduce land use and transportation emissions. Renewable energy grids will integrate better storage solutions, ensuring stable power supply from solar and wind.”

Mental Health Awareness apps which are AI-powered will give instant counseling and relief, while Virtual Reality counseling will offer stress-relief territory. Social media will offer mental well-being by combining features like mood tracking, meditation, and  mindfulness exercises.

Digital currencies, the largest of which is cryptocurrency, and Central Banks Digital Currency (CBDCs), are in opposition to each other, the latter using speedy trade and lower transaction time.

But cryptocurrency uses the block chain where they use consensus algorithms to agree on the true nature of the transactions before they are added to the blockchain, helping to ensure that all copies of the ledger are consistent across the network. In addition, transactions are secured using cryptographic techniques, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to interfere with the data that adds a layer of security against attacks.

Space and exploration milestones, like Elon Musk’s SpaceX, will expand regular lunar missions, while NASA and others will seek further movement toward Mars probing. Using next-gen telescopes will uncover liveable exoplanets and more about the universe’s beginnings. 

I thought about 2025 predictions around June 2024 and now, they have come about, just 6 months in the making.

So let’s start off the new year with positive thoughts, but negative ones, even though we don’t like them, creep in there somehow. Have a fall? Negative ones. Have a car accident? Negative ones. Have a spasm? Negative ones.

The thing is, we must try to veer off, aiming toward positive ones always. Sometimes we do; sometimes we don’t. But you’re alive, and that surely beats the alternative. Happy New Year to all!

Joyce Hoffman

Joyce Hoffman

Joyce Hoffman is one of the world's top 10 stroke bloggers according to the Medical News Today. You can find the original post and other blogs Joyce wrote in Tales of a Stroke Survivor. (https://talesofastrokesurvivor.blog)
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